Their strategic aims were to become one of the leading authorities on cancer-related issues so that people living in Yorkshire were amongst the best informed in England. Also, by influencing better lifestyle choices and encouraging the earliest possible diagnosis through investing in research, they could act as a catalyst for change.
Developing reciprocal partnerships with businesses in Yorkshire would not only create an income stream but deliver important cancer awareness messages to staff. Principally how to avoid, survive and cope with cancer.

The Solution
We researched and identified prevalent cancers in five major cities in Yorkshire, then developed headlines which coupled these cancers with their city’s most famous attractions, heroes or characteristics. This idea highlights to the reader that cancer was quickly becoming something their local area was notable for.
The Results
The campaign was executed across multiple channels - print, DM, email, ‘giving’ microsites and social media. We were also able to provide relevant education and a voice of authority by referencing existing partners and cancer success stories.
As a result of the campaign, Yorkshire Cancer Research saw an increase in donations of 125%.
“We are delighted with the strategic approach ewe has taken to deliver our employer proposition campaign. The creative output has been taken to another level and already started to resonate with Yorkshire businesses. We really value ewe’s marketing expertise and look forward to growing the relationship.”
Juliet Glendinning
Commercial Director
Yorkshire Cancer Research