Michael Barber
Creative Director
So, what do you do?
I oversee creative projects passing through the ewe studio, inspiring our team of designers, animators and developers to cram projects with innovative thinking and creativity till they are bulging at the seams. I research, understand and then look beyond each brief to identify the real opportunites to add cut-through and value for our clients.
What has inspired you lately?
Inspiration is everywhere and all creativity has its merits. Its important for me to gather up as much as I can, like a kind of creativity sponge. Most recently I’ve been impressed by the work coming out of Uncommon London, their B&Q 'Flip' campaign was, well, uncommonly good.
Your were born and brought up overseas, does that help you in your day-to-day work?
I was an ‘oil-field brat’ and lucky enough to call many different countries home before moving to this overcast land of warm beer and flat caps. I do think experiencing different cultures first hand offers a useful perspective when marketing to the modern and multi-cultural UK. It’s the same way that having two little kids has offered me insight into how to better communicate to other parents and relate with their experiences, responsibilities and plans for the future.
What was the last brilliant idea you had?
Gosh... so many brilliant ideas... its difficult to single one out... and each one is usaully even more brilliant than the last...